Thursday 24 May 2018


Hello everyone
Today we will dicsuss about thermodynamics

Let see,

Thermodynamics means change in heat one form  to another form ,also we can say that,  it's deals with the different form of energy and establish The quantitative realtionship bteewen them  in physical and chemical processes.

Basically we can say thermo means heat and what is heat? You will say it is form of energy and what is dynamics?  It means different forms. if we combine both then we can say that in any physical and chemical process  energy exist in different form or going  to be change in one from to different form.

Basic concept in thermodynamics

To study the basic of thermodynamics we have dived the universe in to two parts  system and surrounding.

System : system is a part of universe Or  we can say  a portion of universe where we made observation and measure necessary  the  thermodynamics variable.

Surrounding : surrounding is the out side part of system where the observations need not to be made OR  all remaining  part of the universe other than system called surrounding.

Another term we call boundary which is the surface between system and surrounding is called boundary.

Now we are going to see how  many types of system because if there is a  change in energy  there must be a system on the basis of that we classified in to three system
1) Open system: in open system both matter and energy can exchange with its surrounding. Example : cup of hot tea open is an open system
2) closed system : in close system only energy can change but  not matter with its surrounding. Example :hot cup of tea coverd with saucer is a close system.
3) isolated system : in isolated system both cannot change either energy or matter with its surrounding.Example: hot tea in thermos flask is a isolated system. 
All the system is macroscopic system if there is system they must have some properties like temperature, pressure ,volume energy, density and these macroscopic properties divide into two part.
1) Extensive properties : property of a system whose magnitude depends upon the amount of matter present in the system. Example : mass,  volume internal energy and heat capacity.

2) Intensive properties : property of a system whose magnitude is independent of the amount of matter present in the system. Example : temperature, density, surface tension, viscosity, refertive index, boling point,  melting point and specific heat.

Saturday 19 May 2018

Redox Reaction

Today we are going to study about the Redox Reaction in which we are going to study how the reaction take place in the redox reaction.

Now we are going very root level to how the process happened.

Oxidation : Oxidation is a process in which the  loss of electron take place during the reaction.
Reduction : Reduction is a process in which the gain of electron take place during the reaction.

When we combine Oxidation and reduction reactions it's form Redox reaction.

Therefore , Redox reaction is a process in which the oxidation and reduction reactions take place at a same time is called redox reaction.

For example : respiration , different types  of cell reactions , combustion, corrosion etc.


Friday 18 May 2018

Electrochemistry ( lead storage battery)

Hi everyone today we are  going to study  about lead storage battery in this topic we are going to disscus  how the Cell is work. Now the  basically  cell working as two type of the  cell .
1) galvanic cell ( chemical energy convert into Electrical energy)
2) elctrolytic cell ( Electrical energy convert into chemical energy)

1) lead storage battery working as galvanic during the discharge time the cell produce potential of 2 volts.
The addition information the potential produced during the discharge is totally depend upon the concentration As well as density  of H2SO4 present in the solution. Below picture show all the reaction and digarm.
Below picture for cell working as galvanic cell during discharge. If the the cell working as electrolytic cell then all the process is reverse.its mean we can write all the reaction in vice versa then cell is charging now.

Libermann's nitroso reaction

 nitroso reaction While phenol is reacted with NaNO2 and concentrated H2SO4, it provides a deep green or blue colour which changes to red on...