Friday 1 February 2019

Solid state

Hii everyone today I am going to share you something about solid state this topic I am going to explain some definition and derivations etc.

Crystalline solid : A crystalline solid is homogeneous solid in which the constitunet particles , atom ,ions or molecules are arranged in definite repeating pattern.(DRP)

Isomorphous :  Two or more substance having the same crystal structure are called isomorphous.

Example; NaF and Mgo

Polymorphous : A singel substance that crysatallise in two or more forms uder different condition.

Example ; NaCl and KCl

Anisotropy:  change in physical value when measured in different directions is called anisotropy.

Example ; wood and it's composites

Amorphous solid : do not have well developed order crystalline structure.

Example ; Tar ,glass, plastic ,rubber .

     Classification of crystalline solid

Unit cell :  smallest repeating structural unit .

Lattice point : any point at intersection of line is lattice point .

Sapce lattice ; collection of all the points in the crystal having the same environment is called sapce lattice.

Note ; lattice point can be arranged in maximum fourteen type .the arrangements is called Bravais lattice

Coordination number ; constituent particles of the crystal lattice is the number of particles surrounded a single particle in the crystal lattice.

    Seven type of crystalline lattice

Fourteen types of Bravais lattice 

               Packing in solid

1) close packing in one dimensions : in one dimensions the Coordination number is 2.

2) close packing in two dimensions; in two dimensions there is two type of arrangement are possible
AAAA type and ABABAB type

In AAAA type structure are generated is Square close packing and coordination number is 4 .

In ABABAB types structure are generated is hexagonal close packing and coordination number is 6.

3) close packing in three dimensions ; in three dimensions there is three type of arrangement are possible

l) AAAA type in 3-D ; there is formation of cubic structure and coordination number is 6 .

ll) ABABAB types in 3-D ; there is formation of hexagonal close packed (HCP) structure in which the Coordination number is 12.

lll) ABCABC types in 3-D : there is formation of  cubic close packed (CCP) structure and coordination number is 12.

                 Density of unit cell 

Important formulae 

Deffects in solid

Electrical properties of solid 

Magnetic properties of solid 

1 comment:

  1. Super sir,
    Very good and it is very easy to understand


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